My Story

Sessions with Sitara is a story of nature unfolding,
the story that everyone knows intimately. That which makes us feel life is worth living, and worth
knowing more about. An ongoing discovery,
emanating from a flame that is growing and
asking to break itself free.
The way it lives through every human story is different, this is how it manifested in mine so far..
A few years ago, my life expression was trapped by my mind. I was on a logical and academic path, feeling very disconnected from my body, health, and fullest self that was yearning to be experienced. Predominantly anxious and depressed, I felt frustrated and caught in a hamster wheel I detested.
My life force would sing in helping people, when sparking their inner life through my presence or nourishing their homes by cleaning and taking care of children.
I realized that everyone around me—no matter their age or success—carried similar internal tension, faced all kinds of health issues, and felt some flavour of unfulfillment.
I trace it all back to a disconnect from nature. Without this connection, we make our decisions through conditioned thinking rather than intuitive insight. In so doing, we can't be aligned with our essence, we can't experience what we want and deserve, and our health responds with symptoms.
After working through upheavals and burnout, being guided synchronistically, and listening more to my body, my intuition, I've been led to a place where I feel immensely more connected and alive, like a newborn being ready to serve and learn so much more as I do so.
I’m dedicating myself to helping people rediscover this vital connection to Nature in our Sessions.
With Sound Therapy and Thai Yoga Massage, we can release tension and restore your sense of groundedness. We reconnect you lovingly with your body, your connection to life on Earth. Peace can be experienced in the space that I’ve built to be welcoming, soothing, comfortable, and inspiring.
With Ayurvedic knowledge and intuitive insight, I can offer you assistance in uplifting your life. Your relationships, lifestyle, and diet can all be truly uplifted with a customized understanding of what is right for you, paired with integrating practices that help you experience your greater goals.
I will bring energy that naturally harmonizes with people, encouraging ease and depth in our Sessions.
Here, you are offered nourishment and the opportunity to experience life more aligned with who you are.